The Noah Shooting System
The Noah Shooting System is an essential piece to all participants in Shooting School.
It is used by hundreds of Division I schools and professional teams throughout the
United States and the world.
Build Muscle Memory for the Perfect Shot
Improve Shooting Percentages and Consistency
The Noah Basketball Shot Analysis System measures shots from anywhere on the court. It helps build muscle memory and tracks player performance and consistency. Noah helps to identify inconsistent shooters and gives video and verbal feedback to perfect their shot, thus ensuring that the shooter does not develop the habit of shooting too high because of the height of the net on the Gun or Dr. Dish. With Noah's instant feedback on every shot, a shooter will have the ability to go in the gym by themselves without a rebounder and get high reps.
The Noah Shooting System also stores the data online, allowing players, coaches, or parents to view individual workouts, see unique shot charts and Rim Maps, and understand exactly what areas need improvement.
Contact us to set up training with George Freebersyer, or for a product demo and sales.

The Gun 10K by Shoot-A-Way
The Gun 10K by Shoot-A-Way shooting machine is a great training aid for passing the ball back at different locations after the shot.
With unmatched repetition and reliability to make your shooting practice more efficient, The Gun’s ability to get up to 1,800 game-like shots per hour, combined with teaching a proper shooting technique and arch, will give your player the same training used at thousands of top universities and high schools.

VertiMax Jump Training System
"VertiMax is the best training system incorporating upper body loading into an already highly effective explosion training device. Incorporating the upper body to improve the lift aspect of vertical jump training is a giant breakthrough for all skill levels."
Garrett Giemont, Pittsburgh Steelers Coach
Senior Conditioning Coordinator
2008 Strength & Conditioning Coach of the Year